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Oakdale Confidential:
An As The World Turns Novel

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Inturn, a new CBS online reality series in which eight unnaturally attractive young people go through a host of challenges in the hope of winning a 13 week contract role on As the World Turns, debuted this week.

The aforementioned unnaturally attractive people will not only have to audition against each other, they'll also have to live together in a Brooklyn loft. And, at one point, the idea was that, in addition to acting-type challenges, they would have to engage in some production work, as well.

If that's the case, then may the best photo-copier, lunch-orderer, phone-answerer win! (Because, believe me, no matter what the job title, that's what all production entry-level jobs come down to. Not that they aren't fun in their own way, but glamour isn't exactly part of that particular equation.)


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