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Oakdale Confidential:
An As The World Turns Novel

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


My husband is African-American. He also has a nuclear engineering degree from MIT. As a result, he has spent most of his life pretty confident of being the most educated person among any group of people he's with.

The first year we were married, we hosted a Passover Seder. A friend was explaining how, "School wasn't for me. I only got a Bachelor's."

In response to my husband's quizzical expression, she helpfully explained, "You're among Jews, now."

This weekend we went to a wedding. We were seated at a table with two other young, married couples. On the left of us, the wife had just gotten her Ph.D. Next to her was her MD husband. On the right of us was a recently out of residency MD. With his wife who had a Master's.

(I have a Master's myself, but my husband is kind of used to that by now).

He looked to the left. He looked to the right. He told me, "I think I'm beginning to understand. I guess school just wasn't for me..."

We tried not to use any big words he might not be familiar with.


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