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Oakdale Confidential:
An As The World Turns Novel

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


On yesterday's (Monday's) air-show, Lucinda urged Katie to write a sequel to her mega-best-selling novel, Oakdale Confidential. Katie wasn't sure if she should, but Mike urged her to go ahead, telling her how proud their kids will be of having a famous writer for a mother. (Actually, they'll probably think its normal. My then five year old once asked a playmate at Barnes & Noble, "So which of these books did your mommy write?")

The question now is, will Katie be able to think of what to write, write it, send it in for editing, make the requested changes, brain-storm a new cover design, proof the copy-edited manuscript, see it printed, shipped to warehouses nation-wide and placed on the store shelves by November 14, 2006 (a.k.a. two weeks from now)?

The answer to that nail-biter, here.

What can I say? The girl is good.


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