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Oakdale Confidential:
An As The World Turns Novel

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Tuesday, November 14, 2006 is the official release date for Oakdale Confidential: Secrets Revealed.

Amazon.com and BN.com were both supposedly shipping copies last week, but today is the day the book should be at BOOKSTORES NEAR YOU.

Because books need to be written so far in advance (was anyone else amused by Friday's episode of ATWT, wherein Lucinda told Katie and Mike that she needed to have the new pages, right, right now -- or else they wouldn't make their Thanksgiving publication deadline? I surely was) and soaps are done so close to air (six weeks lead time, tops) it was impossible back in the Spring/Summer, when we were brainstorming what the new story both on the air and on the page would be, to project exactly when the perfect day for publication would be to make it hit concurrent with story.

As a result, those who buy their copy of Oakdale Confidential: Secrets Revealed this week (and who wouldn't rush out and buy it immediately, after all -- it's got pictures!) will actually end up with some advance story information for the end of November and early December.

(And for those who enjoy a good broken time/space continuum, again, note that the extra pages Katie has yet to write on the air are already available in the real world. Very Heroes, no?)


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